Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching

Eating disorders that I specialize in and provide services for:




Binge Eating



Exercise Addiction

Do you have disordered eating?
Find out by taking a quick quiz

Here’s what Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching Looks Like

Now that you know whether you may struggle with a form of disordered eating, where do you start?

It can be overwhelming once you have more clarity. Just know, you’re not alone. Now is when you decide if you’re going to get the help you need. You get to decide if coaching is what you need going forward.

So what does Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching look like exactly?


Dedicated support

I am here to listen, support and provide knowledge on recovery based off of my own experiences and my education. I truly believe that connection can heal even the deepest parts of eating disorders. Human connection and trust are very important to my coaching style. I often go above and beyond to make sure each client feels supported daily. Consistency and problem solving, as well as non judgemental acceptance are so important in my practice.

Weekly Meetings

We will have weekly calls either on zoom, in person or online to discuss and debrief the previous week as well as plan for the week ahead. These meetings include talk therapy, problem solving, body image and mind healing exercises, scheduling/planning for the week, etc. I also text my clients daily to check in and make sure everything is on track for success each day. Every client is different in the amount and type of support they need between sessions, and I take this into consideration always.



I am a huge proponent of journaling and activities. For example, I like to find patterns with my clients throughout the week-- when are they most triggered? When are you having physical symptoms? Are there any patterns to the behavior use? I believe that whether we journal during or outside our session, it can be a huge asset and gateway to the subconscious.

Goal Setting

Everything in coaching is based on goal setting. Each week we will set one or two small, tangible goals to work on. I am a huge proponent of recovery being best met with consistent goal setting. I don’t believe or expect my clients to recover overnight or to go from 100 to 0. I know that it is a process, and I know that focusing on one day at a time is much easier.

What we work on together


Intuitive Eating

Our goal together is eventually coming to a place where we can listen and trust our bodies to eat when we are hungry and stop when we are full without relying on numbers and diets. To also listen to what our bodies are telling us it needs instead of assuming it only needs certain things.



Learning to accept all parts of ourselves, even if we have been told by others or told by ourselves that our bodies are ‘wrong’. Or that we as human beings are ‘wrong’. We will get to a place of self-acceptance that allows you to grow into who you are meant to be.


Fitness as a tool

Mindful and intuitive movement can bring joy, stress relief, and a mind body connection if done in a regulated, purposeful and enjoyable way. The goal is not to use fitness as a punishment or solution, but as integrated movement.


Emotional Regulation

Eating disorders so often are a mask for emotions or a coping skill. We will learn how to handle those intense emotions and allow ourselves to feel through them rather than try to avoid them or push through them.


“My story is probably much like many of us in the ED community, I have struggled with disordered behaviors for many years thinking I had my disorder under control or even thinking I didn’t have a disorder at all. Things came crashing down in a very real way though, as they always do, when I felt completely and totally controlled by my eating disorder and eventually stopped going out socially for fear of food. I was experiencing crippling anxiety around any family function and engaging in any and all disordered food behaviors. I have been working with Shelbye for several months now on my eating disorder and could not feel more supported. She always affirms my feelings and makes me feel understood. There has never been a time that I have felt judged and that is something I have often felt from friends and family in this process. Having someone who truly cares about my recovery, and not only has the knowledge but also has the experience behind her own recovery, has made the biggest difference in this process. I am so thankful to have found an eating disorder coach like Shelbye. For me, an outpatient program didn’t feel like the right fit for me but I didn’t know where else to turn for help. Working with an eating disorder coach has truly made all the difference in my recovery. I can’t thank you enough for your support and caring Shelbye!”

- A.S.

Starting Prices


60 Minute Virtual Sessions | $130
60 minute In Person Sessions | $150 (rates vary based on distance)


Additional Options


Meal Support Session
Eat a meal together

Grocery Shopping Session
We will navigate the store together and prepare some ideas on what to buy

Cooking session
We get the ingredients and make something together to eat


Hiking Session

Yoga Session

Reiki Session


Exercise/Workout Session

Clothes Shopping Session
Clothes shopping with support and without stress-- option for sizes to be removed, etc.

Closet cleaning session
Getting rid of old triggering clothes and donating them together

Questions before a consultation? Get in touch via text.