Hi! I’m Shelbye.
I’m happy you’re here.


My Mission…

is to change the way our society views food and our bodies and to change the harmful impact that it has on our mental & physical well being.

I’m here to help heal those who have fallen victim to these societal views and who want to help others see in a new light as well.

I am committed to helping you find a solution to your problems or struggles.
I bring a non-judgmental attitude allowing you feel open and free to tell me things you haven’t felt safe enough to tell other people. I show up for you with a great sense of empathy and genuine care. I am there for you as much as I physically can be.


Why I do what I do

I believe in: full recovery, the ability to find your authentic self, to find your authentic life, to feel worthy and confident, the importance of self trust and self acceptance, finding our worth internally, feeling our feelings in the moment, and being honest with ourselves and others.

I am an advocate for HAES (health at every size) and believe that our outer appearance does not directly equate to our inner happiness or health status.

I believe recovery is worth it.

My Journey


Bridging Food & Fitness

I’m in the unique position of using my background in both nutrition & fitness to create a consistent healthy way of incorporating both to love who we are and not create unhealthy, extreme habits.

Once I decided to recover myself, I learned that there were aspects of fitness and nutrition that I loved and found helpful in certain situations. I decided to find a way to help move the narrative away from weight loss in nutrition and fitness and toward feeling good in our bodies.

Through my own recovery I also found an immense joy in helping others which led to getting my coaching license through the Carolyn Costin Institute.


Over five years ago, I was lying in a yoga class in savasana and was coming to terms with the fact that I was not living my most authentic life.

I decided then to make some huge life changes in the days that followed which brought me back home and changed the trajectory of my life.

This is one reason why I am so keen on exercise being used as a therapeutic tool, rather than a weapon.



B.S. in Nutritional Sciences | NASM Fitness Training Certification | CCI Eating Disorder Recovery Coach Certification | DBT Informed

“Real self love is being able to call yourself out in order to grow.”

What to expect when you work with me

I offer genuine and honest support. I can be there in times of need, when you feel you have no one to turn to. I will always let you know that you are valid. Your self-worth is a huge task to take on by yourself, I am here to guide and listen along the journey.

I also bring my non-judgmental attitude in every way so that you feel open and free to tell me things you have never told anyone else. You will always feel safe in my support of you. I also have so much empathy and genuinely feel and care for you.

I will always find a way to help you — even if I’m tasked with something I know nothing about. I will figure it out and work until I am knowledgeable and can bring you genuine assistance.

Recovery and living a life of happiness is not a one size fits all solution. What works for one person, may not work for someone else. I have found my purpose in helping others find their happiness— it keeps me motivated and eager to work with you!

If you’re interested in working together, text me and let me know where you’re at on your journey.


Life is about having fun!

I am a bit weird and quirky. I love to laugh, make jokes (I also think I’m hilarious) and play harmless pranks from time to time. I think humor is a huge tool as well in the recovery journey and we all need to remember to BE LESS SERIOUS sometimes! I have awkward dance moves that you may find me doing (will find me doing) in all of my fitness classes and on social media. I also love animals, nature, traveling, and coordinating matching outfits with my little family!

Get started with me, today.
Send me a text!